Reclaim Your Power
How many stories do you have in that treasured little corner of your mind that could be a movie script titled ‘Evildoer Did Me Wrong and They’re to Blame For Everything’? (I have a million. You?)
How many ways can you blame this person and their misdeed(s) for your mishaps in life? (Let me count the ways…)
How many times have you told that story? (Probably a lot. I lost count)
How much agreement/shock/acknowledgment-pity have you received from this story? (Likely a bunch. I have buckets if you need to borrow some)
How has this served you? (Silence. *opens mouth to say something…closes mouth*… crickets…crickets…)
Consider this: Every time you tell that story out loud or ruminate over it inside your head, you are gift wrapping and handing over your power to your Evildoer.
What if you took responsibility for allowing them to affect your life this way? (Because only you can permit them to do so)
What if you decided that your Evildoer no longer has your consent to roadblock you from having gobs of joy, peace, healthy relationships, and living a life of passion, fun, and righteous mischief?
Answer: you get your power back. (Silence. *opens mouth to say something…closes mouth*…mouth curls into a big, giant, gargantuan smile that can be seen for miles).
“Living well is the best revenge. —George Herbert”
“The best revenge is NONE. Heal, move on, and don’t become like those who hurt you.” —Pamela Short