To Awaken is to Become.

My one sincerest and truest goal in my life has always been to help women find the courage to live their best and most inspired lives. I would never have guessed that the form this would take would be through my photography. Each of my clients has been my greatest teacher in the bravery it takes to open the Self up to experiences that result in a deep transformation in how we see ourselves and show up in this world. Not only has this been true for my clients, but it has also been true for me. Photography led me to seek my own transformational journey, which led me to Reiki.

I have been a longtime recipient of Reiki, and it has, without a doubt, been the key to unlocking my own personal transformation into self-love, emotional and physical healing, and a more profound relationship with my Self. As I continued down my own spiritual and healing path, it became a calling to begin exploring the healing art of Reiki as a new service in my business. I am deeply honored to offer Reiki services to anyone seeking a deeper connection in their own healing.



What is Reiki and How Does it Work?

REIKI is the hands-on healing technique that is achieved by channeling the Universal Life Force energy into the client, by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the client's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

By holding the hands above or placing the hands onto the energy centers of the body, known as chakras, the Reiki practitioner can move energy in, out, and around the body. This means that emotional and physical blockages, known to cause emotional or physical ailments, can be removed to allow the recipient to heal in a more natural way and not just on the physical level.

Reiki can also be administered to other, specific parts of the body that are in discomfort as well.

Energetically speaking, we form emotional blockages as we grow and integrate into this world through our personal human experiences. These blockages are impediments to living our fullest and most balanced lives.

If the emotional blockages are not removed, they can turn into physical ailments and dis-ease, creating even stronger obstacles that can knock us off of our true path and purpose in this life, or even simply make life uncomfortable on the emotional and physical planes.


Reiki is a healing art that aids in the removal of these blockages, thereby allowing us to pursue our joy, life's work, and path unhindered.

Reiki does not have to be connected to spirituality. It can simply be used as a more natural healing modality to cure what ails. Simply put, Reiki works whether you believe it or not, so if you're skeptical, I encourage you to give it a try!

What to Expect

Distance sessions are via phone, and after our initial 10-minute phone conversation, we will hang up and I will then administer Reiki while you relax wherever you are located. Reiki is administered for about 40 minutes. The last 10 minutes of your session will be for both of us to discuss your experience, what I was lead to do for you in your session and to answer any questions you may have. For distance sessions, I will call you back after administering Reiki.

Repeat clients are encouraged for maximum benefits.

Group Sessions take place at gatherings/workshops/events. Each person receives individual Reiki for one or two specific chakras, aligning with the gathering’s purpose, for a shortened yet powerful time, usually 5 to 10 minutes per person. Contact me for more information on how I can serve your gathering.

What is Sananga & Hapé?


Sananga is the liquid extract from the roots of a plant found in some parts of the Amazon and applied to the eyes.

Physically: Overall improves eye vision. It helps in situations like myopia, glaucoma, cataracts, carnosis, etc...

Emotionally: Unlocks/transmutes the energy we store in some traumatic experience where we suppress crying, if you find it difficult to cry easily most likely there is a blockage to attend to.

Spiritually: Act directly on the sixth chakra or third eye located in the midway helping to have clarity in thinking, and strengthening the connection with your Being or Consciousness.

Temporary and common side effects: burning sensation, blurred vision, and increased tear production. All side effects are temporary and last for a few minutes.


Hapé is the preparation of powdered medicinal herbs, often with a tobacco base. It elicits a feeling of alertness and elevation that surpasses most other natural plant-based effects. It is experienced rapidly and intensely because the powdered snuff is administered through the nose.

Hapé is renowned for its profound healing effects, such as inducing a profound state of grounding, purging negative energies, heightening senses, and fostering a deeper connection with the inner self and the natural world. It is made from different medicinal plants for different purposes – to induce visions, to have energy, and to enhance the senses with the aromatic fragrance of the plants used in the blend.

Temporary and common side effects: burning sensation in nose, slight dizziness when first administered, nausea and possible purging of bottom and top. However, because this is an introductory session with Hapé, the dosage is very light, and purging is very unlikely (Elisabeth has never had anyone purge yet).

Is Sananga & Hapé safe? Yes! Both will be administered by Elisabeth White, a trained and certified Sananga & Hapé healer. Everyone experiences them differently, and though there may be some discomfort in the process, the benefits are profoundly connected to the discomfort. Please feel free to reach out to Elisabeth with any questions or concerns.


INTENTIONS are important when administering Reiki. Though it works as a healing modality regardless of what's in my head or heart, I have always believed that intentions play the better part of any role in serving others. This is true in my photography business, as well as my Reiki services.

These are the four pillars around which I design all of my healing services.